Meet Ben Culbert | Event Speaker November 2019

Understanding Amazon Advertising and Organic Search

On Wednesday, November 20th, Ben Culbert of Ovative Group will help us understand how to make the best use of Amazon advertising. He’ll also offer takeaways you can use to optimize Amazon listings for you and your clients!

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Meet Ben Culbert, Our November Speaker!

  1. What can attendees expect to take away from your session? 
    1. Key insights into the advertising landscape, terminology, and business models on Amazon
    2. How to get started on Amazon Advertising (structure, process, technology, measurement)
    3. How to get started on Amazon listing optimization (ranking factors, process, technology, measurement)
  2. What top 3 skills and/or characteristics are important to have in your line of work? 
    1. Curiosity and a desire to learn how things work because it will help you ask the right questions, which lead to unlocking creative solutions
    2. Attention to detail because it’s easy to miss a small setting that drastically changes performance
    3. Familiarity with media metrics and Excel because there is so much Excel work on Amazon ranging from account structure changes to bid optimizations
  3. Which marketing tool could you not live without? Bid optimization and structural optimization tools. When it comes to Amazon, we use Sellics because it gives us a high degree of control over bids and structure.
  4. What piece of career advice would you give your younger self, knowing what you know now? Get really good at the fundamentals, then specialize. The fundamentals can be applied to any channel and include:

    The user experience and mindset: What is the customer thinking? What motivates them? Practice putting yourself in their shoes and going through the experience.
    The business owner mindset: What do business owners care about? What forces drive their business and how can we use that to drive impact? Speak their language and adapt to their needs.
    The media math: Know how to calculate every metric you see and learn about concepts like attribution models, incrementality, profitability, and customer lifetime value. This is so important being able to compare and make smart decisions.

  5. Besides SEO, what’s one topic of discussion that you could talk about for hours on end? Entrepreneurship and innovation. I’m fascinated by creative problem solving and the tools and frameworks that can help drive it.
  6. Where can we connect with you online? 
    1. Email: Ben.Culbert (at)
    2. LinkedIn:
    3. Amazon Seller / Vendor Support Group:
    4. Sober Theory (Brand new side project for professionals interested in sobriety):
  7. BONUS: What’s your favorite GIF?
    Classic and versatile.

Want to hear more from Ben? Grab your tickets now!
Get my ticket for the November event>>>

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