Craig Key – Conversion Through Credibility – Driving Paid Media Performance by Finding New Paths
About Craig Key:
Craig leads marketing efforts for Bite Squad, a restaurant delivery service. Craig’s team is driving growth through acquisition, retention, and loyalty of customers, drivers, and restaurants. Craig has over 13 years experience in digital marketing, and has built a career off of innovation with new ways to connect with audience. Prior to joining Bite Squad in March of 2017, Craig was SVP of Media at space150–a digital marketing agency–where he led the media and social practice for client work including Buffalo Wild Wings, American Express, Red Barron Pizza, and Nike Sportswear.
In this Session:
Conventional wisdom tells us to put the call to action up front, reduce clicks in the funnel, and drive as direct of a path to conversion as possible when working in digital/mobile commerce. Bite Squad has tried all of the above, and then some, and has found that convention is not always the best path to growth. Hear 5 ways that Bite Squad has leaned on credibility and influence to drive sales in unexpected ways.